What is this subject about?
Specialist is all about giving you more time, more help and more space to really understand the VCE in terms of English.
This means that you get a chance to obtain assistance and a friendly, helping hand to work through the English tasks of Analysis, Text response, Creative response and Comparative writing that you might be working on in Unit one English classes. It is all about giving you the very best opportunity to build your skills and have more success.
The classes are designed to run alongside your English classes and support your learning in those classes giving you extra time and assistance so you can really happily master those confusing and difficult Areas of Study like Analysis and get your essay writing up to speed.
It’s like a double shot of English for those who could use it!
What are we going to be studying?
* We will follow the same outline as the core English
* We will refine our Analysis skills
* We will build up our creative writing skills
* We will work on building quotes and text response structure for the set text
* We will develop understanding of comparative texts and how to write and discuss their similarities and differences.
Where does this subject go?
This subject will give you a great lead into the following VCE subject/s:
* Helps a lot with English
* Helps a lot with literacy in every other subject that you do, from Science to Maths and Psychology.
This subject is advantageous if you’re looking at any career where you will be required to read and understand and to communicate with people.