What is this subject about?
Studio Art is about discovering incredible artists from different times and cultures and using these discoveries as inspiration to create explorations and artworks using a wide variety of different art materials and techniques.
Some of the many possibilities you could explore in Studio Art are:
* Drawing: pen, pencil, pastel, ink etc.
* Painting: acrylic, watercolour, gauche etc.
* Printmaking: mono printing, Lino printing, etching, etc.
* Collage: cut and paste and digital ( using Photoshop)
* Mixed media
These are just to name a few! If you have a particular interest in something, discuss this with your teacher.
Your teacher will guide you through a variety of materials and techniques. Therefore, this subject accommodates all abilities and levels of experience.
You will have an opportunity to tryout a variety of these to create a folio and eventually you will choose a medium/s you love to use to express yourself and create your own artworks based on a theme of personal interest.
Studio Art will develop your confidence and creativity. You will explore new and exciting ideas and materials that you may not have used before! You will also have the opportunity write and talk about art with confidence.
What are we going to be studying?
* We will study different artists from different times and cultures and make observations about what they created, what they were inspired by, how they created their art and the impact it has on us as viewers.
* We will find inspiration on themes of your own personal interests.
* We’ll explore a variety of different techniques using a wide range of materials.
* We’ll create folio’s that’ll document your interests, ideas, explorations and artworks.
* You’ll create finished artworks.
Where does this subject go?
This subject will give you a great lead into the following VCE subject/s:
* VCE Studio Art
* Other possibilities could be VCE Fashion, VCE Visual Communication and Design and any other folio based subject.
This subject is advantageous if you’re looking at these careers:
* Illustrator
* Animator
* Fashion designer
* Craftsperson
* Art teacher
* Architect
* Graphic designer
* Interior designer
* Art gallery director
* Web developer/designer
* Textile designer
* Photographer
* Cartoonist
* Art therapist
* Art historian
* Multimedia developer
* Industrial designer
* Conservator
* Museum curator
* Urban and regional planner
* University lecture
* Theatrical costume maker and designer
* Set designer
* Sculptor
* Art critic
* Arts administrator
* Cartographer
* Cultural heritage officer