When students return to school next week, they will be provided with an ‘in school bag’. Students can transfer all the books and food they will need for the day into the bag. They can then store any valuables and their school bag in their […]

When students return to school next week, they will be provided with an ‘in school bag’. Students can transfer all the books and food they will need for the day into the bag. They can then store any valuables and their school bag in their […]
On Tuesday, May 26, all Clonard classes at school and remote learners attended a Reconciliation Assembly, that was prepared by ATSI students and Gab McMahon. This was a time to reflect on what we can all do to promote reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people […]
In celebration of #NRW2020, we would like to introduce you to Gab McMahon who began at Clonard in 2014 and has worked in a teaching capacity in the Health/PE and VCAL departments. Ms McMahon is currently in her 4th year as ATSI Leader working closely with […]
We’ve missed you! We know how much you’ve missed your library and we’re looking forward to helping you find stories that are just right for you. You can always ask for reading suggestions when you’re in the library but now we’re thrilled to be able […]