Our 2024 aspirations are to be a College community where we...

To achieve these aspirations in 2022 we will focus on the following actions...
Deep Purposeful Learning Attitudes for Learning Success
- Implement New Pedagogies for Deep Learning at Years 7 and 8 animating our Learning Charter.
- Trial the assessment of capabilities through the New Metrics Research Partnership with University of Melbourne at Years 7 and 8.
- Continue the staged and ongoing development of high impact teaching strategies through cycles of inquiry including connecting surface to deep learning with assessment and feedback strategies.
- Develop data protocols and moderation practices to monitor growth and achievement in student learning targeting 12 months growth for 12 months learning.
- Investigate potential numeracy interventions to improve attitudes and outcomes to Mathematics in Years 7-10.
Strong Relationships Positive Behaviour Inclusive Connected Community
- Implement Year 1 of Positive Behaviour for Learning (PB4L) with the introduction of school wide expectations.
- Promote and monitor high levels of attendance as a precondition for learning success.
- Actively engage in a variety of events and strategies to build and reinvigorate community connections with students, staff and families.
- Develop evidence sources and systems for measuring the impact of Positive Behaviour for Learning and Wellbeing for Learning.
Encountering Faith in the Everyday People of Living Justice and Living Peace
- Co create and implement a Reconciliation Action Plan with our community and First Nations families.
- Implement Year 1 of our Laudato Si Action Platform commitment.
- Explore how to lead our community to be a recontextualising dialogue school through the lens of spirituality, pedagogy, justice and mission in an action research approach.
- Investigate how the Pedagogy of Encounter can enliven the Religious Education program.
- Develop opportunities to celebrate the diversity and richness of our community through our 2022 value: compassion.