Getting the Most Out of Your NDIS Plan – Information Session
The Disability Loop program at the Australian Federation of Disability Organisations (AFDO) has received funding from the Victorian Government to run free information sessions for Victorians about the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). The information sessions are directly for people with disability and their families or carers and are called “Getting the Most Out of Your NDIS Plan”.
This session was written by people with disabilities, who are also NDIS participants. The presenter is also an NDIS participant. We believe these facts allow the session to better meet the needs of people with a lived experience of disability.
What is the Aim of the Information Session?
The purpose of the session is to help people with disability and their families and carers to learn about NDIS ideas, processes and options, and to better understand their NDIS plan and how to get the most out of it.
We will cover understanding your plan, how to find and work with service providers, options if you have concerns about your plan or when using it, how to prepare for your next plan and use your plan to live a better life in the community.
The information and resources you will receive from the session have been designed to assist you to gain maximum benefit when putting your plan into action. You will be given many useful suggestions and tips, and feel more empowered and confident in how to implement your NDIS plan.
Will AFDO Disability Loop provide accessibility supports?
The NDIS is about people with disability so we encourage people with disability to attend. We aim to be as inclusive as possible. For us, accessibility is a priority. All sessions are run using accessible programs. We use accessible materials, and we can provide captioning or Auslan interpreting if needed. We will provide a transcript of the session afterwards.
We are holding the information sessions online using the meeting program called Zoom. However, if you don’t have the ability to use the internet, you can telephone into the meeting with a standard landline or mobile phone at normal call costs. More information on how to join the meeting will be provided to you once you register.
Tara Lynch
Industry Engagement for Priority Cohorts
Phone: 0435 481 920