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- Student Health
Asthma is a long-term lung condition of the airways and is found among 1 in 9 people. Common triggers of asthma include cold and flu, dust mites, smoke (smoking and vaping), exercise and pollen. This week is Asthma Awareness week (1 -7 September), and our health and wellbeing leaders would like to reiterate the importance of asthmatics bringing their asthma reliever to school (especially PE and dance classes) as well as elsewhere. Ventolin works by relaxing the muscles around the airways so they are able to open allowing you to breathe easier. Thunderstorm asthma season (October to February) refers to episodes of asthma which occur when high pollen levels are combined with a thunderstorm, therefore having Ventolin in your locker during this time is essential. In light of this week, posters from the Zoe Kennedy Foundation which highlight asthma awareness have been displayed around the school.
There will also be a poster competition held on Monday 5 and Thursday 8 September in the art rooms at lunch, encouraged for creative Clonard students.
Details regarding the competition are below:
- The contest is free to enter
- The contest runs through the month of September 2022
- Submitted artwork must be an original creation (no tracing of others’ artwork)
- Teachers can submit the art on behalf of all students, or students may submit directly to the Zoe Kennedy Foundation email address info@zoekennedy.com.au
- All entries must be accompanied by the students name, year level and college details
- All artwork must have a visual connection to asthma awareness, either visually, literally or both
- All entries must be submitted to the Zoe Kennedy Foundation by 6.00PM on Friday 30 September 2022
The posters displayed around the school can be used as inspiration to create your own design in order to win great prizes such as an Apple iPad Air! To read more about asthma as well as how to reduce the symptoms you can read here: https://asthma.org.au/