‘Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognize how good things really are.’ This quote by Marianne Williamson resonated with me as I sat down to reflect on the things to share with our community in this week’s newsletter. The joy […]

On Monday 20 March, Clonard Principal, Luci Quinn was honoured with the ACEL (Australian Council for Educational Leaders) Fellowship Award at a formal ceremony held in Melbourne. Luci was one of only ten educational leaders in Victorian to receive the Award for 2022. ACEL Fellowship […]

We had a chat recently with Year 12 student, Bridget D, asking her what it was like attending a summer intensive at ACU Sydney over the Christmas break. You attended the ACU Western Civilization program over the summer holidays. Tell us about what attracted you […]

I pray that she knows she: Is protected (Isaiah 52:12) Is the head and not the tail (Deuteronomy 28:13) Does not have to fight her own battles (Exodus 14:14) Does not have to have all the answers (Zechariah 4:6) Is fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm […]

Welcome back to 2023! We especially welcome our new Year 7 students, new students across Years 8-11, our exchange students from Tokyo, Japan and our new College staff. This year we are taking the Kildare Ministries value of ‘Courage – speaking and acting with integrity’ […]

What a wonderful day of celebration yesterday to conclude our College year. The activities of our final day allowed our school spirit to shine through as we celebrated all that is good with joy and gratitude. This followed our previous eight days of early commencement […]

Dear world leaders, Your people, the world’s young people and future generations are calling on you to act with vision and purpose. A new vision for education in the 21st century is taking shape. Above all, quality education must support the development of the individual […]

Today many of us will don our red poppies and pause at 11.00am to remember those who served our country to defend the freedoms and values that mark our democracy. Our College led by our students gathered to ensure their sacrifice was not forgotten. Remember […]

Thresholds are connected to the Celtic and Brigidine tradition. It is said that St Brigid was born on the threshold and so it has a rich symbolism for us in our community. It is important to recognise and celebrate these crossing moments. The rituals of […]

The best thing about being a teacher is that it matters. The hardest thing about being a teacher is that it matters every day! Today in Australia we celebrate World Teachers Day. It is a day to reflect with gratitude on the dedication, commitment and […]