Thank you to the many families (more than 70% response rate) who took the time to complete our Child Safeguarding Family Survey recently sent via Operoo.

We will continue to engage with families to develop and improve upon communication in regard to this important aspect of our community.

In response to the survey, included here is some reminders of key information:

Child Safeguarding Team – Meet at least once a term to review practices, policies and processes in all matters Child Safety. Members are: Luci Quinn, Dean Williams, Tania Anticev, Therese Bourke, Di Braiden, Kate Connor, Lisa Armstrong-Rowe, Josie Versace and Jarrod MacDonald.

Clonard College website – Child Safeguarding tab on home page which links to relevant details and documents – Child Safeguarding – Clonard College Geelong

Child Safeguarding student presentations – continuing throughout Term 2, families of senior students are encouraged to speak with them in regard to the presentation and ask them to share any insights or information.

In addition to the Child Safeguarding team members listed above, families can use our Protect Poster (below) for relevant details in regard to who to contact as well as external services to address any Child Safeguarding queries.