The weather was perfect to ensure a successful House Cross Country Carnival held on Monday 17 May.
Students in Years 7 to 10 all took part in the 3km event either running or walking. The House spirit was felt across the event as students ran, walked, danced and cheered over the finish line. All students who were involved on the day should be proud of their efforts. We are lucky to have the Cross Country course at our doorstep.
Congratulations to Lucy Marascuk in Year 9 from Xavier House with the fastest overall time.
A huge thank you to the staff for their continued support and work behind the scenes in getting the many jobs done to ensure that all students and staff are aware of what to do. Thanks, must also go to Mr Tong for running and encouraging the race leaders.
A summary of the results follows:
Year 7
1stCharlotte Wilson 2nd Ava Bilyk 3rd Eve McDonald 4th Esme Conlan