The past fortnight has seen the culmination of at least six months of work in preparing for our compliance and school improvement review. We welcomed Lucy Glover and Mary Bourke from Valad Solutions as our reviewers. They were able to confirm that we had displayed evidence of meeting the standards for registration in closing the 11 Child Safe Standards. Following a desktop review of our school improvement framework rubric judgements and supporting evidence, they spent two days interviewing staff, students and families, members of the Stewardship Council and Fr Minh. They visited classrooms and viewed our facilities. The final report will be presented to the Leadership Team in three weeks. The initial findings affirmed the direction of the College and our attention to implementing the recommendations from the 2020 review with fidelity. This has been a significant process which will help position us with a rigorous external perspective as we take the next step towards the development of our plan for the next four years. I would like to thank the Extended Leadership Team and other leaders and staff who have played a particular role in preparing for this review. We look forward to sharing the final report findings with you before the end of term. 

We have cabinetry and flooring! Our Oak Centre is really taking shape with the completion of the plastering, installation of cabinetry and flooring. Painting is due to commence in the not-too-distant future. We have certainly speculated the partnerships with our architects CHT and Rendine Constructions to ensure the smooth progress of the build thus far. 

Thanks to those who brought such joy to our Mother’s Day gathering last week. We know there were some mums who were unable to get tickets so we are investigating how we might be able to increase our capacity for next year.

At our Mother’s Day breakfast I introduced Melinda Hopper our new College Alumni Officer. Melinda has joined the College to grow and promote our connection rooms with our alumni. Please keep an eye out for upcoming opportunities. If you would like to reach out to Melinda or update your contact details as an alumni please email You can also update your details via the form on our website: Past Collegians/Update Your Details 

As I write this blog I am heading across the bay to attend a Kildare Ministries meeting with the Principals and Community Works Managers from across Australia. It will be the first time we have gathered since the conference. The intention of the meeting today is to understand the shared wisdom of College, give voice of the KM community expressed during the days of the conference, and begin to shape a response and way forward. The prophetic, courageous and hope filled leadership of our trustees is why I chose to work for Kildare Ministries. They have a strong sense of governance for mission, the mission of transforming lives, healing creation and creating inclusive communities modelled on the Christian story and vision.

