In Term 1 the Year 7 Advanced English classes explored the classic Hero’s Journey narrative structure. Most stories in film and literature follow some variation of this structure including Disney, Harry Potter and Star Wars. The girls did a deep dive into how J.K. Rowling used the 12 part structure to take readers on Harry’s journey. At the end of the term we gave the girls a challenge to write their own Hero’s Journey narrative on only one page. Thanks to our Assistant Principal Ms. Jo Ryan who acted as our special guest judge. Congratulations to the following winners:
Most compelling hero – Sophia Hood
Most intriguing enemy – Jacqueline Kolar
Best friends/mentors – Sophie McGregor
Best use of 12-part structure – Sophie Nolan
Best use of imagery – Siobhan Aiken
Best overall story – Sienna Claydon
Rebecca Broekman and Natalie Stephenson Year 7 Advanced English teachers