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As we come to the end of our 30th week of face to face teaching in 3 years, it has been wonderful to witness the return of school spirit in our coming together over the past fortnight at R U OK? Day, Tri-UMPH Lite and the staff vs Year 12 netball match. This week I also had the privilege of taking our students to share reading with the students of St Thomas Aquinas which was a moment of joy, and a reminder of the precious work we do.
I received a reflection last week that captured much of the gratitude I feel as I look back on the work of our teachers and support staff over the past 10 weeks. It was written by Jim Quillinan in his series ‘Along the Track’.
Jim wrote:
So today take a moment to thank God for those among us who are teachers, those listeners and guides who care and inspire, who expect much and who don’t lose heart, those who notice a child’s special gift and fan the flame
We thank God for those who keep on learning for the fun of it and who make learning fun for children, for those who are expected to accomplish miracles and don’t give up, those who know how to comfort children when miracles don’t happen. We thank God for the special teacher each one of us remembers.
We ask you, Spirit of God, fill their hearts with courage and enthusiasm, so they may rise to every challenge and not grow weary or jaded. Inspire them with your wisdom, so that they may be able to make sound judgments and come to know each day that they can make a difference.
May your Spirit be with them, so that when stress and anxiety comes it will not overwhelm them. Fill them with your joy, so that the passion they have for their craft and their subject may become infectious.
The full reflection can be found at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AjH9-Kdebtjs-2zU3SfQqnZXHzpbPlVc/view
I trust that our students and teaching staff will embrace the time to reset and recharge, ready for the final quarter of our year. I also thank our support staff and recognise that some will work through the break so we hope they enjoy a slower pace. Many of our Year 12 students will be onsite next week for three days of practice exams which will be an opportunity to prepare themselves for the upcoming VCE exam period.
Next term will fly and there will be lots to look forward to including Leaders Handover, Year 12 Final Assembly, Graduation Mass, Awards Evening, early commencement and our end of year last day liturgy and festival. One of the first events will be the Leadership Handover Assembly in Week 2. This will be one of our first whole school formal events since our farewell to the Brigidines and full uniform will be required, including blazers for Year 12 leaders. We are excited to be utilizing our livestreaming technology that was trialled at the Co Captain Speeches for this whole school event. For many of our students (and staff) this will be the first time they have experienced many of these markers of the College year.
Finally, please note that I will be taking leave over the break including the first week of Term 4. As I am heading overseas Jo Ryan will be Acting Principal in my absence.
We are blessed for what we have here as a community and should never take it for granted, but like anything it also takes works, commitment and effort to continue to steward the legacy we have been gifted, a legacy of ‘strength and kindliness’.
Blessings for a slower time in the next couple of weeks – it is well deserved!!