Congratulations to our Sport Aerobics Team who participated in the SCSA Sports Aerobics competition in Melbourne recently. 🙂
It was amazing to have all the schools together to perform as it was the first time in two years that they were able to perform face to face against other schools.
There was a lot of talent in the room and the support for each team was high! Clonard entered 6 groups in total.
The results from the day are as follows:
Group 3B placed 2nd in the Year 7-9 Level 3 routine Group 3A placed 2nd in the Year 10-12 Level 3 routine Group 1 placed 3rd in the Year 7-12 Level 1 routine
These students are highly dedicated to the event giving up multiple lunch times a week to practise
Thank you to Kristin Dalton and Sam Bear who supported the team through out the training and well done to our student coaches Alana Vasilevski, Gracie Navarro, Sibiya De Noronha and Natalie Chung who balanced practising their own routine and coaching the other groups. Well done girls.