What is this subject about?
Accounting studies how to record and report on the financial aspects of a business. VCE accounting focuses on decision making for small businesses and looks at both theoretical and practical aspects of accounting.
You will also learn how to use bookkeeping programs and ICT in a way that it is used by accountants in practice.
Accounting involves very basic maths (mainly addition and subtraction) and you will always have the use of a calculator.
What are we going to be studying?
* Role of Accounting in Business
* Accounting and decision-making for a trading business
* Financial accounting for a trading business
* Recording, reporting, budgeting and decision-making
Where does this subject go?
This subject will give you a great lead into the following VCE subject/s:
* Works well with business management
* Can be helpful to economics
This subject is advantageous if you’re looking at these careers:
* Accountant
* Actuary
* Bank officer
* Commodities trader
* Economist
* Financial planner
* Investment banker
* Stockbroker
* Treasurer