Unit 1: Applied Computing
In this unit students are introduced to the stages of the problem-solving methodology. Students focus on how data can be used within software tools such as databases and spreadsheets to create data visualisations, and the use of programming languages to develop working software solutions.
In Area of Study 1, as an introduction to data analytics, students respond to a teacher-provided analysis of requirements and designs to identify and collect data in order to present their findings as data visualisations. They present work that includes database, spreadsheet and data visualisations solutions. In Area of Study 2 students select and use a programming language to create a working software solution. Students prepare, document and monitor project plans and engage in all stages of the problem-solving methodology.
Areas of Study:
- Database software, spreadsheet software and data visualisation software.
- An appropriate programming language.
- Innovative Solutions
- Network Security
- Data Analytics
- Data Analytics: analysis and design
- Data Analytics: Development and evaluation
- Cybersecurity: data and information security
Unit 3: Software Development
In this unit students apply the problem-solving methodology to develop working software modules using a programming language. Students develop an understanding of the analysis, design and development stages of the problem-solving methodology.
In Area of Study 1 students respond to teacher-provided solution requirements and designs and develop a set of working modules through the use of a programming language. Students examine a simple software requirements specification and a range of software design tools in order to apply specific processing features of a programming language to create working modules. In Area of Study 2 students analyse a need or opportunity, select an appropriate development model, prepare a project plan, develop a software requirements specification and design a software solution. Area of Study 2 forms the first part of the School-assessed Task (SAT) that is completed in Unit 4, Area of Study 1.
Areas of Study:
- Software Development: Programming
- Software Development: analysis and design
Unit 4: Software Development
In this unit students focus on how the information needs of individuals and organisations are met through the creation of software solutions. They consider the risks to software and data during the software development process, as well as throughout the use of the software solution by an organisation.
In Area of Study 1 students apply the problem-solving stages of development and evaluation to develop their preferred design prepared in Unit 3, Area of Study 2, into a software solution and evaluate the solution, chosen development model and project plan. Area of Study 1 forms the second part of the School-assessed Task (SAT). In Area of Study 2 students examine the security practices of an organisation and the risks to software and data during the development and use of the software solutions. Students evaluate the current security practices and develop a risk management plan.
Areas of Study:
- Soft development: Development and evaluation
- Cybersecurity: software security