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The VTAC online application for our Year 12 students applying for further study at TAFE, University or other Independent Tertiary Providers opened on the August 1 2022. Timely applications close September 29 2022. Year 12 students will be required to pay a fee of $44.00 to VTAC for a ‘timely application’ to be processed. Dates 2022-23 – VTAC
Applicants must submit at least one preference and pay the fee to activate the VTAC process. Students can choose up to 8 preferences; however, they do not have to use all 8 in the application. Students should always list their preferences in the order of what they most want to study and where they most want attend (Open days – VTAC); include only courses they would consider accepting.
It is important that the preference list has pathway plans and includes a course considered a ‘sure thing’.
When students are reviewing their preferences, it is vital that they read the essential requirements and admission criteria for selection. Some courses require students to submit additional information early. The closing dates for some courses requiring additional information is as early as September! Essential requirements and admission criteria are listed in the course search details. VTAC: Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre
As part of the VTAC application process, students can apply for extra consideration through SEAS, Special Entry Access Scheme. There are four categories under which SEAS is granted, personal information and location, disadvantaged financial background, disability or medical condition and difficult circumstances. Three of these categories require additional information from the applicant. This should be actioned as early as possible. Further information regarding SEAS and other information pertaining to VTAC can be found on the VTAC website, VTAC Home – VTAC. All students are encouraged to apply for Category ONE, personal information and location and Category FOUR, difficult circumstances COVID related impact.
Students have been briefed on the VTAC process.
A snapshot:

VTAC Webinars continue Events – VTAC:

Other resources:
VTAC applying for tertiary study in 2023 – YouTube
Special consideration through VTAC: The Special Entry Access Scheme (SEAS) and Category 1 – YouTube
SEAS Category 2: Disadvantaged financial background – YouTube
SEAS Category 3: Disability or medical condition – YouTube
SEAS Category 4: Difficult circumstances – YouTube
Any questions can be directed to Gabrielle Mahon via email at gabrielle.mahon@clonard.vic.edu.au
Gabrielle Mahon
Pathways (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday)