Community and Connection Days are all about meeting new people, trying new activities, working together, and most importantly, having fun while connecting with classmates and staff. This spirit was fully embraced by the Year 7 students on Thursday, August 29th.

The day began with an activity from ‘The Resilience Project’ called ‘Step to the Line.’ The goal was to foster a deeper understanding of each other, paving the way for stronger connections. Following this, all Year 7 students gathered in Tullow Hall, where they collaborated with peers from different wellbeing classes to build a ‘Pasta Tower.’

Molly C 7B ‘This experience taught me that even when you feel that you’re the only one feeling something other people are feeling the same way. They are just hiding it.

Georgia Mc 7R: ‘I realized that lots of people don’t have the life that the other person would expect.’

Charlie S 7P: ‘Doing the activity, I realized that many students are feeling the same way emotionally. I think the activity was great because I now know that there are many other people experiencing the same things and challenges as I am. It makes me more confident that there are other people I can talk to. The activity was great as the students realized they aren’t the only one going through a tough time.’

Carly H 7W: ‘I felt that the collaborative activity helped me meet new people and connect with others that I had never met before.’


The middle of the day was filled with energy and movement. Students participated in a lively dance class led by Megan from ‘The Jungle Body with Megan.’ For many students and staff, the highlight was the ‘African Drumming’ session in Kildare Theatre. This engaging activity focused on enhancing communication, social skills, and teamwork, all while having a great deal of fun.

Isla O’N 7G: ‘I made a really good friend there.’

Anwita D 7P: ‘This was my favourite. I loved it so much! It was so hilarious watching the African men dance, and I loved learning the drumming. The words we sang were extraordinary. I really want to do it again, with the same people!’

Sophie W 7W: ‘The dance class was really fun, and the instructor was really nice. The dance moves were fun and easy, and it was great that we got to meet new people and hang out and dance with friends.’


After lunch, students returned to their wellbeing classes for a Religious Education activity called ‘Seasons of Creation.’ This calm and reflective session was a stark contrast to the excitement that followed with the highly anticipated Gaga Ball final, which saw Year 7Y emerge as the champions.

It was heartening to see so many smiles and hear laughter throughout the day. New connections were made, and the enthusiasm with which the Year 7 students participated was truly commendable.

Isabelle F 7P: ‘It was calming activity and it was nice as it gave us a chance to think about ourselves.’

Sophie B 7Y: ‘I enjoyed this activity. It was peaceful and helped me become more relaxed.’

Lily S 7R: ‘It was really fun to get into a competitive game’.

Greta K 7R: ‘One thing I learned from this is that it’s not always about winning.’

Addy M 7P: ‘It was fun to hangout with your mates in the other classes and cheering on our team in the gaga finals.’

Emily B 7B: ‘It was nice to see all the wellbeing classes compete against each other.’

 Amelia C 7W: Overall, the day was really fun to connect with other people that I have not met.’