Zonta Club TYPA Award – Saskia Frake
Zonta Club of Geelong Young Women in Public Affairs Award – 2020 winner Clonard College Captain Saskia Frake
About the Award
The goal of the Zonta International Young Women in Public Affairs (YWPA) Award Program is to encourage young women to participate in public affairs by recognizing the candidate’s commitment to the volunteer sector, evidence of volunteer leadership achievements and a dedication to empowering women worldwide through service and advocacy.
In order for more women to be represented in key decision-making positions worldwide, we must encourage young women to pursue careers or seek leadership positions in public policy making, government and volunteer organizations and further their education with these aims in view.
Saskia has been chosen as the recipient of this important award based on her active commitment to volunteerism and women in leadership, displaying outstanding achievement in the following areas: Service and dedication in the Justice and Democracy group, including dedication to the refugee tutoring and school holiday program, St Thomas breakfast program and Christmas luncheon, Justice meal day, and Brigidine Asylum Seeker Project. Her positivity and determination have a noticeable impact on those around her, she is truly a role model for her peers and for younger girls.
Saskia devotes her time and energy in the service of others, takes initiative and is a natural leader. She continually challenges herself and has a great quest for knowledge and self-development.
Congratulations Saskia!