10 Advanced Body at Work

Advanced Body at Work (ABAW)  builds on what students learn in Body at Work  (BAW).  ABAW is designed to engage students who are interested in body science and are enthusiastic to understand how the human body works.  This gives students opportunities to delve more deeply into the five major body systems:

  • Skeletal
  • Muscular
  • Respiratory
  • Cardiovascular
  • Digestive

And enables them to develop a full understanding of the wonders and mysteries of the human body in action.  We will explore questions such as:

  • How do these body systems perform under stress and physical activity?
  • How body systems work together to produce movement?
  • How does the body fuel itself to use different energy systems?
  • How does an athlete learn specific physical skills to an elite level?
  • Sports psychology – how do elite athletes achieve better than the rest?
  • How do we effectively treat (first aid response) and manage a range of sports injuries?


Pathways into ABAW:  Pre-requisite for ABAW is BAW in Semester 1

Pathways from ABAW: students who perform well in Advanced BAW, acceleration into Unit 3 & 4 PE Theory and / or HHD.