
Your Future

Careers & Transition

At Clonard College, career development and education is about providing students with a context for their school learning and the skills, knowledge and attitudes to make decisions in the future. These opportunities provide access to up-to-date and accurate information about:Students are supported in a variety of ways. The Career Advisor provides vocational and educational guidance through individual, small group counselling, 

Year Group information sessions and Career Education classes across Years 7-12:

  • Subject selection
  • Post-school education and training options
  • University, State Training Provider and Private Training Provider courses
  • Part-time school education options
  • Work experience
  • Career pathways
  • Occupations, job prospects and earning capacity
  • Employment opportunities
  • Resume and job application letter/support

The Clonard College Careers Centre is located on the first floor of the Brigidine Centre.

Students and parents are encouraged to make an appointment via the College Careers web site: or via email or phoning the College.

Clonard's Careers Website

We have a school Careers website which you can find via this link:

The site contains a huge amount of information and should be your first stop when you are looking for information on anything job, careers, university and TAFE related (and there is so much more). Communication with the community is via the site too.

Careers Counselling

We undertake considerable testing to identify the individual student’s strength areas and help them explore the industries and career options that suit their particular disposition and skills from Year 7.  Each student at Year 7 and her parents are given the opportunity to explore their natural aptitude through an interview following our Young Sparks personalised report which helps students to see how they learn best and their natural dispositions.  At Year 9 we increase the focus on careers through the “Careering Ahead” test which supports students in their subject selections for the senior school.  

In response to the “Careering Ahead” data, students are interviewed by the Careers’ Practitioner – parents are invited to attend with their daughter – to help them understand what the information suggests about their preferred career pathway.  At Year 10 we undertake the “Career Clarity” test to help cement subject choices that are informed and based on student self-reflection.  We hope, through this program that students come to know themselves as a learner, as a potential worker and reflect on the world they are going to enter to make well-informed choices that make them career ready, life ready and world ready.

Contact Details

Careers Advisor:

Steph Baulch

(8.30am – 4.00pm Monday, Wednesday, Thursday)

225 Church Street
Herne Hill VIC 3218

Ph: (03) 5278 2155
