
Schedule of Fees and Charges

Statement of Fees

Fees will be billed on an annual basis in February, with updated statements issued during the year.

Annual Fees

The College charges an annual tuition fee. For 2024 the fee is $4,295.00.

This annual tuition fee covers the following items:

* Curriculum costs

* Extra-curricular activities

Including compulsory camps, retreats, reflection days and excursions. This also includes a charge for the College Magazine.

* Information technology costs

Including providing to each student a dedicated device including warranty and protection, access to high speed network (AARNet) and supporting new technologies integrated into the learning environment.

Total Discounts - %

To be eligible for the Health Care Card (HCC) discount you must successfully apply for the Camp, Sport and Excursion Fund (CSEF).

Family BreakdownNo HCC*With HCC*
One student020
Two Students1030
Three Students2040

Total Cost After Discounts

Family BreakdownNo HCC*With HCC*
One student4,2953,436
Two Students7,7316,013
Three Students10,3087,731

CSEF Eligibility Date
For *Health Care Card holders, CSEF eligibility will be subject to the parent/legal guardian’s concession card being successfully validated with Centrelink on 29 January 2024 and/or 15 April 2024.

CSEF payment amount
The CSEF is an annual payment to the school to be used towards camps, sports and/or excursion expenses for the benefit of the eligible student.
• Secondary school student rate: $250.00 per year.
The CSEF is paid directly to the school and will be allocated by the school towards camps, sports and/or excursion costs for your child.
Refer to www.vic.gov.au/camps-sports-and-excursions-fund for additional information.

College Building Fund

The College’s Building Fund has financed a number of new buildings and helps maintain existing ones.  These works have been made possible through the sacrifice of past and present parents.  The levy is $100 per family per annum. All donations to the College Building Fund are tax deductible and a separate receipt will be issued.

Your support of the Building Fund will ensure that new resources and maintenance of existing buildings can be provided for the future.

'From every seed sown and cultivated by love we shall reap a rich harvest' - Daniel Delany

Payment Options

Direct Debit (Preferred)

Forms are available from the General Office for payment of fees only. The College offers a fortnightly and monthly direct debit option.

Cash/cheques Payments

Please contact the school office to organise payments made by cash and cheques.

Bpay (Preferred)/EFT

Details needed for BPAY will be listed on your statement of fees

Eftpos/bank Card Facilities

This facility is available in the General Office for payment of fees only.

COPS – Card Online Payment Services

Direct Debit from credit card (forms available from the General Office).


Centrepay is a free direct bill-paying service offered to customers receiving payments from Centrelink. Information is available from the General Office.

Payment Terms

All families on direct debit are able to pay their fees off over the entire year. The amount per direct debit is determined by how many daughters attend Clonard, Conveyance Allowance, etc.

For all other payment options, the terms of payment are 40% – end of Term 1, 30% – end of Term 2, balance – end of Term 3. Fees can be paid earlier if preferred.

Special Circumstances

Where special circumstances apply and where there is a financial hardship, parents are invited to discuss these matters with the Principal and/or Business Manager with a view to lessening the burden. Contact should be made before the end of the first week in February.

Withdrawal Of Students From The School

Parents are required to notify the Principal, in writing, of their intention to withdraw their daughter(s) from the College. Failure to do so will result in forfeiture of any fees paid in advance. You will be required to pay one terms fees in respect of each student if the parent/guardian does not provide one terms notice.

Printable Version

You can download a soft copy of the above payment options using the download link below.