
Learning & Teaching

Table of Contents

Clonard offers a broad, challenging and comprehensive curriculum incorporating:
  • A program from 7 – 12 which adheres to the Victorian Curriculum (7 – 10) including the Capabilities (Ethical Understanding, Critical and Creative Thinking, Personal and Social Capability and Intercultural Understanding). We offer the VCAA approved Senior Pathways of VCE and VCE-VM (Vocational Major)
  • A Teaching and Learning program designed to be challenging and responsive to emerging needs in education, that is regularly updated and supports the personalised learning of students by providing successful pathways into VCE and VCE-VM Programs
  • Pastoral Care programs that monitor and support each student
  • Additional curriculum programs including Community Connection Days, instrumental music, debating, public speaking, a comprehensive range of sporting programs, special needs and extension programs, community service, and camps
  • Alternative programs for Integration and special needs students.

Learning Charter

The Clonard College Learning Charter is centre in our Catholic context expressed through our commitment to Kildare Ministries values and Living Justice vision where education is transformative, developing in all a capacity to engage with empathy and love in the lives of one another and our broader community.

At its heart it seeks to ensure learning for everyone which is forward-facing and courageous. These principles articulate our sacred responsibility to bring into fullness, our hope for all within our learning community to achieve the aspirational goals of our Vision Statement and Graduate Outcomes.

Learning Charter Model only

Curriculum 2024 +

Clonard College provides a comprehensive and broad-ranging core studies program for students at Years 7 to 8 and offers students specialisation within the safety of a core beginning in Year 9 and becoming increasingly individualised from Year 10. The program enables students to engage in advanced studies in Year 8 and accelerated studies from Year 9.  

Clonard College declares its holistic support for student wellbeing through its Wellbeing Program from Years 7 – 12.


Curriculum Overview

Clonard College 2024 - Periods per cycle (2 weeks)

Structure of the School Day

Clonard operates six periods per day.  Each lesson lasts for forty seven minutes with few subjects having double classes for practical work. 

There is a break between each class to enable students to reset prior to another class/subject, consolidate their learning and to take a breath, de-stress and move into their next class ready to learn. 

Clonard also offers a ‘Wellbeing’ program. The Wellbeing 4 Learning curriculum is modelled on best practice with many interactive, engaging activities that promote connection and relationship with their Wellbeing teacher and the Clonard community. 

You can find out more about our Wellbeing 4 Learning program here: Wellbeing 4 Learning

Year 7 - 12 Bell Times
Wellbeing8.509.0818 mins
Transition9.089.102 mins
Period 19.109.5747 mins
Transition9.5710.036 mins
Period 210.0310.5047 mins
Recess10.5011.1020 mins
Period 311.1011.5747 mins
Transition11.5712.036 mins
Period 412.0312.5047 mins
Lunch12.501.4050 mins
Period 51.402.2747 mins
Period 62.333.2047 mins

Individual Learning Needs

All students are individuals with their own preferred learning styles and their strengths and weaknesses. Many students are gifted in aspects of their learning and can be challenged to undertake higher order tasks as well as to engage in extra programs and activities.

For some students there are aspects of learning that they find very challenging. The Learning Diversity Leader works with staff and a team of Learning Support Officers (LSOs) to support students with learning needs.

In some cases support is offered on a one-to-one basis but in many cases staff work with small groups of students in the classroom assisting them with their work. 

In the Senior Years ( 9 – 12), individual pathway planning means that some students commence their VCE studies in Year 9 or their PreVOC studies in Year 10.  Students choosing to move into PreVOC and begin their transition to hands-on learning early, may undertake a Vocational Education and Training subject in Year 10.  It is important to note that students who move into PreVOC cannot undertake VCE studies in Year 11 so students need to consider this carefully.  No student will move into PreVOC without an interview with the Assistant Principal (Student Learning and Wellbeing) and the VCE-VM Coordinator, parents and the student herself.   At Year 11, students could also enrol in a VET course through the Gordon Institute and other Registered Training Organisation (RTOs).

Student Sign In/Out Procedure

All students in Year 7, 8 & 9: 

  1. Advance Parental/Guardian notification is required where possible via: 
  1. Student & Parent/Guardian must present at the general office at the expected time to sign students out on all occasions. This is a non-negotiable child safety and VRQA requirement. These year levels are not permitted to walk or leave school without a parent presenting. 
  1. Use the iPad to sign out in the reception area. 

All students in Year 10 & 11: 

  1. Parent notification is required where possible via: 
  1. Parental/Guardian must provide approval to the general office for your student to sign out and leave the College grounds.  Students must present in the general office at the nominated time. This is a non-negotiable child safety and VRQA requirement.  
  1. Use the iPad to sign out in the reception area. 

Year 12 Study Period Sign In/Out Procedure: 

  1. For sign in/outs other than study periods, follow the procedure for Year 10/11. 
  1. You can only sign out if you have a study period at the end of the day. 
  1. Year 12 Students are required to attend Wellbeing everyday irrespective of free period classes at school. 
  1. Sign in/out using the laptop in the Brigidine Centre. 

Clonard College is a Phone-Free Zone. Students have also been reminded that in the event they need to contact home, they should do so by presenting to the office, where a member of the administration team will make the phone call. Parents are also encouraged to support the mobile phone policy by calling College reception if they need to contact their young person.