Breadth Years

Breadth Years

Years 7 & 8

Table of Contents

Year 7

In the first year of secondary school, Year 7 students and families will be immersed in a supportive program with a focus on relationships and building an inclusive culture amongst the Year level. 

In our aims to forge a partnership with families, we invite parents/carers to engage with us in a number of ways, including at our Family Welcome Evening, Parent-Teacher Interviews and Connection Conversations.

In Term 1, students will embark on a 3 day camp to further build connections, learn more about themselves and start thinking about goals for the future. 

For more information regarding Year 7 at Clonard College please refer to the following document:

Helpful Resources:

Year 7 Locker Training Video:

The Catholic Education Office also supplies an online handbook for parents via this link.

Year 8

In Year 8 the curriculum focuses on strengthening and developing the skills and knowledge in the subject areas from Year 7.

There is a small elective program for students in Year 8 to enable them to work with students in other classes and to give them some agency.

Please be aware that the choices are within subject areas rather than students electing into and out of subjects.

Year 7Year 8
Religious EducationReligious Education
English - Advanced classes available by invitationEnglish - Advanced classes available by invitation
Mathematics - Advanced classes available by invitationMathematics - Advanced classes available by invitation
Humanities (History, Geography, Economics, Civics and Citizenship)Humanities (History, Geography, Economics, Civics and Citizenship) - students exercise individual choices in some depth studies.
LOTE – French or IndonesianLOTE – French or Indonesian
Performing Arts - (Music, Dance and Drama) 1 SemesterPerforming Arts - (Drama, Dance and Music) 1 Semester
Visual Arts (1 Semester) Visual Arts (1 Semester) - Students select a pair of Visual Arts foci for the semester.
DigiSTEM (1 Semester)DigiSTEM (1 Semester)
Food Studies (1 Semester)Food Studies (1 Semester)