Student Services
Counselling & Mental Health Support
At Clonard we have adopted a Whole School Approach to Mental Health and wellbeing that is underpinned by the core Brigidine values that this school is founded on.
A student’s Wellbeing Teacher is the first point of contact for students and parents for any issue that is impacting on a student’s learning or wellbeing. An appointment can then be made with one of the Counsellors or support staff who can follow up individually with the student if further support is required. We recognise that some students may need specialised or ongoing supports. Following a period of 6 sessions with the Student Services Team, a review will determine next steps including recommendation referral to external services/supports.
Clonard counsellors are available to support students in dealing with issues in a sensitive and proactive manner. The counselling team work with the Wellbeing Community Leaders, Wellbeing teachers and teaching staff to provide preventative programs (focusing on early intervention, self-awareness and increasing resilience). We believe that students are better prepared for learning when caring relationships are developed that enhance their sense of belonging, connectedness to school while promoting a safe and supportive learning environment.
As part of this approach, Clonard College also recognises that there are many useful services and programs operating in the Geelong community where we regularly refer students and their families for specialised support. Counselling staff and Year Level Coordinators can assist students and their families to access these important services. The pastoral care at Clonard extends to the parents of the College as we aim to work in partnership providing support as your daughter navigates adolescence.
Clonard College is also committed to offering the students opportunities to engage in preventative programs that develop confidence, resilience and increased knowledge and skills.

Student Services Team
The Student Services Team encompasses counselling, social work and youth work. The team work together to identify and support the needs of the college community. If you require further information please contact during school hours. Phone: 03 5278 2155
At times, including during outside of school hours (i.e., on the weekends or school holidays), your daughter will not be able to make contact with her counsellor at the College.
Support Services within the Community
It is important to know that other services are available to support your daughter if they, or yourself, are concerned about their wellbeing. Each service includes dedicated professionals who have received training to assist with wellbeing concerns.
The contact details of some services are detailed below:
• Kids Helpline- 24/7
P: 1800 55 1800
• beyondblue- 24/7
P: 1300 22 4636
• Lifeline Australia- 24/7
P: 13 11 14
• Headspace Geelong:
P: 03 5222 6690
• Hope Bereavement Care:
P: 03 4215 3358
• Barwon Health Mental Health, Drugs and Alcohol:
Phone service is available for advice and support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. P: 1300 094 187
• Your local GP service or hospital
We encourage you to contact these services if deemed necessary.
Headspace Resources
Additional resources can be found below: