Vocational Education and Training
The Basics
What is Vocational Education and Training (VET)
Vocational Education and Training involves students developing skills and competencies that are valued by employers. Students undertake a nationally accredited vocational qualification in a specified vocational area.
VET programs can be undertaken as part of the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE), the Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCE-VM) or as a School Based New Apprenticeship/Traineeship.
While studying in the senior years at school, a student can have the opportunity to obtain a broad based education with links to industry.
VET studies generally include a structured work placement, which is a valuable opportunity to reinforce classroom learning and provide on-the-job training and application of skills.
Most VET studies provide pathways to and credit towards higher level courses. Several provide credit into apprenticeships by reducing the amount of off-the-job training required and in some instances reducing the duration of the apprenticeship.
For further information please see our pathways guide, True North.