On Monday 10 May, we will hold our Subject Expo and Senior Years Information Night. The target audience for this evening is Year 8, 9 and, where relevant, Year 10 students along with their parents. If you attended the Senior Years Information Night last year, […]

Today, our High Achievers of 2020 were celebrated during a ceremony in front of their parents and our current Year 12s. We acknowledged the outstanding achievement of students who studied at senior secondary certificates last year, in particular: students who received ATARs over 90 and […]

Clonard College would like to congratulate all students who completed Year 12 this year. Your perseverance, resilience and commitment to your studies is to be admired and something to be proud of after the challenges presented throughout 2020. We look forward to hearing what the […]

Using the VCE Results and ATAR 2020 service to access your VCE results and ATAR, 7 am Wednesday 30th December, you will first need to register. You will need your VCAA student number. On Wednesday 30th and Thursday 31st December – Gabrielle Mahon AND Dan […]

Timely applications through VTAC Wednesday 30 September 2020 SEAS applications close Friday 9 October 2020 Scholarships through VTAC close Friday 9 October 2020 Also, students applying for courses that have essential requirements (i.e. submitting a folio, a pre-selection kit, arranging an interview, etc.) are reminded […]

ATAR Notes: Free Online Lectures from 21 September – October 2. St Joseph’s College, Geelong – September 21-22. Access Education, Live and interactive, multiple dates.