On Thursday 14 March we were lucky with the weather for our annual Athletics Carnival down at Landy Field! The participation rate was pleasing as all students needed to register for events before the Carnival. The student leaders did a terrific job encouraging students in their respective Houses to participate to gain valuable House points. The Year 12 students enjoyed their final Athletics Carnival running and jumping in various costumes. It was great to see so many inflatable cartoon characters running around the track!
There were 5 records broken on the day: Ida L Year 12 100 metres, 200 metres and 400 metres, Anna-Marie P Year 12 High jump, and the Year 7 Finian relay team also broke the record. The Clonard Gift championship event had the top ten 100 metre runners for the day, Ida L of Year 12 won this event.
Finian once again won the Championship.
A huge thank you to all the staff for their continued support and work behind the scenes in getting the many jobs done to ensure the athletics carnival is a success. Congratulations also the Student Leaders who help the many students out for a smooth running of the day.
Overall results
Field Champions
Year 7 Sacha R Lelia
Year 8 Georgia S Kildare
Year 9 Anastazia S Xavier
Year 10 Ella A Finian
Year 11 Cavelle B Kildare
Year 12 Anna-Marie P Lelia
Track Champions
Year 7 Philippa M = Finian
Tahlie A Finian
Year 8 Georgie S Kildare
Year 9 Lucy S Xavier
Year 10 Charlotte W Xavier
Year 11 Summer R Finian
Year 12 Ida L Lelia
Overall Champions
Year 7 Sacha R Lelia
Year 8 Gorgia S Kildare
Year 9 Anastazia S Kildare
Year 10 Charlotte W Xavier
Year 11 Summer R Finian
Year 12 Ida L Lelia
Athlete of the Carnival
Summer R Finian
Relay Champions
House Champions