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- Parents
- All uniform requirements are on the College Website and in the student diary.
- Winter Uniform to be worn during Terms 2 and 3. (Summer Uniform can be worn for the first 2 weeks of Term 2)
- College Blazers needs to be worn as the outer garment if the student is wearing their jumper when outside of the school grounds
- Hair is to be tied back at all times. Only one set of small, plain earrings to be worn in the lower lobe. NO nose piercings.
- Fashion Jewellery not to be worn. No make-up or coloured nail polish to be worn.
- Students are only permitted to wear their sports uniform when they have a scheduled PE or Dance class. Alternatively, students in particular year levels can wear their sport uniform on their designated Wellbeing activity day – Years 7, 9 and 11 on a Tuesday and Years 8, 10 and 12 on a Thursday.
- Grey tights or socks can be worn. Students wearing pyjamas under their kilt will be asked to remove them.
- Please note there are long sleeve sport shirts and warm sport jackets available for the cooler terms. Students wearing coloured long sleeve under shirts will be asked to remove them.
Please ensure you attend to any items you may need to be ready for the commencement of term.