On Friday 20 August 2021, after some false starts due to remote learning, as a College we celebrated Tree Day by planting in our local community. Three different classes were involved across the day with students from Year 10 PreCAL, Year 7 Yellow and a select group from Year 11 Wellbeing classes. Students walked from school, along the bike path to Kevin Kirby Reserve in Herne Hill.
The first group had the privilege to meet THE Kevin Kirby himself, who humbly maintains the reserve with a group of local volunteers. He is a champion for the environment and for ensuring there are green spaces for people to enjoy now and in the future. We are grateful for his support and hope we can foster many more tree planting events together.
Our thanks goes out to Barwon Water who donated 250 seedlings for our Tree Day with a mix of native grasses and medium sized shrubs. It was fantastic to give students a hands on experience of planting as for many it was their first time planting seedlings. Thanks to Ms Rush, Ms Congues, Ms Ellmer and Ms Fitzpatrick and all the students for their enthusiasm and involvement on the day.