The Tri-UMPH Music Festival has been a feature of the Combined Geelong Catholic Secondary Schools for two decades.

Recently, the Principal’s of Clonard College, Iona College, Sacred Heart College, Saint Ignatius College and St Joseph’s College have consulted key organisers and met multiple times and came to the difficult decision that Tri-UMPH will not run in 2022.

The Principals of the combined Geelong Catholic Secondary Schools met again to consider a proposal from the Tri-UMPH organising Committee requesting that consideration be given to running ‘Tri-UMPH Lite’ at each school this year.

Following extensive deliberation, we have determined that each of the schools agrees to recognise in solidarity the intentions of Tri-UMPH 2022 on Friday 9 September with a series of shared actions in the five schools. The Principals support and affirm the goal of the organising committee of raising $30,000 to provide scholarships for trainee teachers in Viqueque. Our decisions were made conscious of the work that has been committed to by the organising committee in preparation for Friday 9 September.

In the spirit of this agreement between our Colleges we have planned for the following:

• on Friday 9 September Clonard College will hold a casual dress day in the colours of the Timor Leste flag (red, black, yellow) or Tri-UMPH (orange) with students being asked to give a five dollar donation (or other gold coin donation) towards the TriUMPH appeal. Wristbands from Timor Leste will be given to all students on Friday 9 September for their donation
encourage students to purchase TriUMPH merchandise prior to the day which may be worn on Friday 9 September
• promote and sell ‘x box’ raffle tickets prior to Friday 9 September
• publication of the results of the raffle to be drawn on Friday 9 September and livestreamed to the other Geelong Catholic Secondary Schools
• students who had signed up to perform music acts will perform at Clonard in open air spaces at lunchtime
• a BBQ lunch and orange ‘Tri-UMPH donuts will be available for purchase

We understand that a number of families have already pre purchased Tri-UMPH tickets. Families may request a full refund which will be facilitated through TryBooking or choose to donate some or all of the purchase price of the ticket to the Tri-UMPH appeal. Please indicate your request by emailing Accounts Receivable or contact the General Office and speak with Dean Hackwill.

We have spoken with our Tri-UMPH student leaders as part of our in school planning. We recognise that weather and COVID may still impact on our capacity to run all aspects of this plan on Friday 9 September however we look forward to working together to reach the aim of supporting the appeal goal in an adjusted form.

We wish to reiterate our admiration and gratitude for the work that committee members have contributed to Tri-UMPH 2022 and look forward to working cooperatively with you toward the success of Tri UMPH Li