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Principal’s Blog
As I come to write this final Principal’s blog for the term I am almost out of words. Was there ever a time when a break was more needed?
‘Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.’ Matt 11:28-30
It is now time to rest.
In our faith tradition, we know the concept of sacrifice. It is not a word that gets used commonly these days. When we think about sacrifice in terms of Jesus giving His life for us, it is perhaps a little scary and overwhelming to think about. However, in very real terms so many have given for others over this past term. We have all made sacrifices.
Jesus was as human as He was divine. He got exhausted too, probably also got cranky and frustrated and scared. Jesus could only do the life-giving ministry He did because he went to and came from the source of life, our Creator God. It is time for us now to return to that source for renewal.
John O’Donoghue has a beautiful ‘Blessing for the Exhausted’. In this blessing, he invites us to…
‘Take refuge in your senses, open up
To all the small miracles you rushed through.
Become inclined to watch the way of rain
When it falls slow and free.
Imitate the habit of twilight,
Taking time to open the well of colour
That fostered the brightness of day.
Draw alongside the silence of stone
Until its calmness can claim you.
Be excessively gentle with yourself.
At the end of his blessing, he writes…
Gradually, you will return to yourself,
Having learned a new respect for your heart.
Our faith speaks to us of a creative, abundant God who wants us to have life and have it abundantly. Thank you for all you have done over the past term –
to the students for their resilience, persistence and support for each other
to the staff for their unwavering commitment to the learning and wellbeing of the students and collegial support of each other
and to our families for your support, patience and affirmation as partners in this endeavour.
I am humbled, overwhelmed with gratitude and so excited about the prospect of students and staff returning onsite in Term 4.
We will recommence remote learning on Monday 5 October before Yr 12s return onsite on Monday 12 October followed by Years 7-11 on Tuesday 13 October.
Until then stay safe, peace and blessings,