Sustainability in review

While we have been learning remotely, there has been plenty happening at Clonard behind the scenes. Here are some sustainable highlights worth celebrating from the year so far:

Move to Nude Food – The canteen has been working hard this year to introduce more sustainable packaging and to minimize the use of plastic. The single use soy sauce plastic fish have been replaced with bottles of soy sauce now available for use.

The plastic straws have changed over to recycled paper straws. Bamboo cutlery is now available or there is the option to BYO cutlery. These changes have been incorporated without having to increase prices.

*You can help reduce the waste going to landfill by moving away from packaged food and choosing to bring to school more Nude Food options. Let’s make a difference and help create the change!


• Micro Fibre Cleaning Station – With the increase of cleaning requirements, to reduce the need for single use disposable cloths, a new washing machine and dryer has been purchased so that cleaning cloths can be washed and sterilized safely at the required temperature.

• New Water Filter – An extra water filter will be installed in the yard for students to easily refill their drink bottles.

• Hand Sanitiser Stations – Management opted for refillable dispensers for ease of use and to reduce single use containers.

• Brigidine Centre Plant Wall – Has had a new injection of plants and repair with special thanks to Karen Kershaw.

• Heating – The installation of inverter air conditioner/ heaters are our preferred method of heating as they are more efficient and this helps in reducing our footprint.

• Paper Cut Photocopiers – The installation of this new system of photocopiers will assist in reducing paper waste. Before you print at school, THINK OF THE TREES AND OUR ENVIRONMENT, please check if you really need to print.

• LED Lighting – All classrooms have had LED lights installed with an expected 20% reduction in electricity and a $15k saving per annum.

• Indigenous Garden – Craig Billows, our resident ecologist and science lab technician, sourced more than 40 local rare and endangered species for this special garden. This is an important educational resource for our school. More than 400 plants have been planted ready for a burst of colour in springtime.

• Calico Bags – Sustainable calico bags were purchased for students to carry their books to class.

• Raised Beds and Chook Pen in Brigid’s Garden – Eight new raised beds have been installed with the construction of a chook pen underway, using recycled materials where possible. With thanks to David Quinn and Karen Kershaw.

We are grateful to management at Clonard, and in particular Helen Wood and Chris Kershaw, for their contributions in making these sustainable choices. Many thanks to our Sustainability Working Group at Clonard for their efforts in bringing more awareness and positive change.

ENVIRO WEEK is coming next term.
– Lisa Singline, Sustainability Leader.