Year 8 Connection Day on Wednesday 2 August was fun, the fat cookies were a major hit! We also managed to connect with a Japanese Principal who was visiting Clonard College and share one of the amazing cookies. Everyone enjoyed the SMASHED performance – it was really interactive. We learnt a lot about underage drinking and why not to drink alcohol, because you or someone else could die, or could be injured.
We are more connected as a year level because of our Connection and Big Day Out’s each term. We are working with school leadership to gain an insight into how we are feeling as a year level and what the school will do to support us to become more connected. We also liked the scratch art because you could be creative and had choices about our reflection on creation. The careers section gave us an insight into other careers we may not have thought of – it gave us an idea about different pathways.
‘Our favourite part of day was the fat cookies, it showed how much effort and thought was put into them to put everyone’s name on each individual cookie. Ordering all those cookies really showed how much thought was put into that day.’
‘Yesterday connection day was fun. I know a lot of people enjoyed drawing the pictures as well as watching the SMASHED play. Thank you for making the time to put together an exciting day for all the Year 8 students.’
‘Overall, we think the connection day was excellent. The SMASHED play was extremely engaging and fun to watch. It made us feel as if we were in their shoes. The cookies were absolutely delicious and we thank you and everyone who organised the day.’
‘I feel like Connection Day was great to engage with others. It was a great way to talk to others and to connect about the things we were learning. The activities that were chosen were also a great choice. I loved the play as it was very funny and the performers were very engaging with us. The first activity was also very fun as it was a great way to be creative and be calm and just focus on the task.’
‘Connection Day was a very fun day yesterday, I enjoyed all of the activities and the cookies. Thank you for organising the day I know that you put in a lot of planning with all the other leaders, thank you so much again I had a great day.’
‘We cannot wait for the next one.’
Play, Fun and Humour – Year 8 Games
The Dodgeball Tournament for Year 8 gives them opportunities to connect and socialise in a fun environment, which brings them closer together as a community and year level. By doing this at the start of the day once a week, Year 8 start the day with fun and share some competitive spirit, preparing them for the day. I loved having the opportunity myself, and I’m very grateful for Chloe K, who helped me organise everything, and can’t wait for the next game.
Jemma R, Year 8