After an exciting round one in which the Year 7 well-being classes battled it out to select a winner to go to round 2, the day arrived, and the Sharks took their seats. Jo Ryan, Luci Quinn, and George McMeel were introduced, and their backgrounds and experiences were creatively enhanced. Six groups faced the sharks and pitched their ideas to the Sharks in front of the Year 7 cohort. The order of teams was randomly selected.

The Blue Team was the first to pitch their idea of growing fruit trees in the open spaces in the community. They were challenged by the sharks with some aspects and finally made a deal with Jo Ryan.

The Purple team pitched the idea of the FetchMedic collar and app; it was very well received, and the judges fought to make a deal. Jo Ryan succeeded yet again.

The Green team focussed on creating sleeping backpacks for the homeless. Their idea really focussed on social justice issues, and they received a deal with George McMeel.

The White team presented their idea on digital lockers. They explained the benefits, and the costs and everyone was excited about it. Unfortunately, the infrastructure needs and cost were too much and each of the Sharks bowed out.

The Red team focussed on the environment and the extraordinary amount of rubbish in the oceans. To overcome this, they decided to put in more bins and created a mural to bring about awareness. Whilst no deal was made Luci Quinn offered to fund the mural.

The Yellow team pitched the idea of expanding the canteen menu.

This was well received by the audience but the Sharks were not convinced that this would meet regulations. Luci Quinn offered a follow-up meeting.

At the end of the pitches an overall winner was announced. The Sharks unanimously voted for the Purple Team and their FetchMedic idea. Congratulations Alana, Alyssa (away on the day), Avah and Amy.

This group of students has the opportunity to develop this further and take it to STEM MAD in 2024.