Year 7 Six-Day Orientation Program

Our Year 7 students have had a fantastic start to their Clonard journey through the Six-Day Orientation Program. This program provided them with the opportunity to meet new classmates, build friendships, and settle into their new learning environment. A key highlight of the week was […]

Uniform Reminder

With basically only 3 weeks of school left in this school year we would ask that parents / carers please do a check of your young persons drawers at home to check that they have a selection of grey school socks for the Academic uniform […]

Year 7 Growth Expo

Well, that was an amazing afternoon, we made it and everyone is amazed and delighted. Students who were nervous and uncertain of how their presentation would go were much more relaxed and happy with what they were able to share with the wider community. Whilst […]

House Champions 2024

This award is presented to the House that has accumulated the most points over the course of the year. The points begin with the Tullow Gift and House Choir performances, gaining momentum with House sports days, RUOK participation, debating, art competitions, and culminating in the […]

Year 7 and 8 Geelong Library Excursion

Image by Element5 on Pexels On Tuesday October 29, 16 Year 7 students and three Year 8 students attended an excursion to the Geelong library for a tour of each level of The Dome. The impetus for the tour came out of student requests in […]

On Time and Ready to Learn

Image by Energe on Pexels Reminder for parents and students – 8.50am start. The first class of the school day officially starts at 8.50am.  It is our expectation that all students will have collected their class materials in advance of this time so that they […]

Year 7 Community Connection Day

Community and Connection Days are all about meeting new people, trying new activities, working together, and most importantly, having fun while connecting with classmates and staff. This spirit was fully embraced by the Year 7 students on Thursday, August 29th. The day began with an […]

Year 7 – Up, Up and Away

Year 7 students this week have been taking off into the air, building and flying planes. They have used their quality thinking elements to produce a well-made plane. In groups they engaged in dialogue, systematically followed instructions and with persistence produced their plane. Using the […]

Year 7 Growth Day Expo

The Year 7 students proudly and passionately presented their Semester One ‘Growth Day’ projects to their peers, teachers and other staff members at Clonard on Wednesday, June 26. As stated by one Clonard staff member: “It was amazing! I was so impressed with the diversity […]

Year 7 Community Connection Day

The Year 7 Community Connection Day morning session focused on the themes of racism and Reconciliation Week. This event was organized to educate and engage students on the importance of cultural understanding, respect, and reconciliation in Australia. Activities and discussions aimed to foster a deeper […]