Breakfast Club

This is our first breakfast club for the year, we welcome all year levels to come in and share a nice healthy breakfast before school starts. Every Wednesday the breakfast club will be available in the food tech kitchen with Ms Mackenzie and helpers, it’s […]

Mobile Phones in the Learning Environment

The Impacts of Mobile Phones on Students in a Learning Environment Distraction from Learning: Phones can be a major distraction, tempting students to check messages, social media, or play games during class and breaks, which can shift their focus away from learning. Mobile phones can […]

Year 8 Big Day Out

On Thursday 31 October, the Year 8 students participated in their Big Day Out ‘Sweat Retreat’ led by the 8 Purple Project Team – Odessa, Madi, Marli and Eloise. This was part of our Humanities unit of work – budgeting and planning a day out […]

Bullying No Way

The national definition of bullying for Australian schools says: Bullying is an ongoing and deliberate misuse of power in relationships through repeated verbal, physical and/or social behaviour that intends to cause physical, social and/or psychological harm. It can involve an individual or a group misusing […]

School Immunisation Catch up Week

If your child has missed out on their school-based vaccinations, it’s not too late to catch up! Secondary school immunisations are provided free to students in Year 7 and Year 10. Catch up for secondary school immunisations is free up to 19 years of age. […]

The MACS eSafety summit

The Melbourne Archdiocese of Catholic Schools eSafety summit was held on September 6 at Marvel Stadium in Docklands. Dr Mary Oski launched documents for use in school with students about safety online including the updated e-safe behaviour student use agreement.  Identifying potential red flags to […]

The Sleep Connection

The Sleep Connection’s Lisa Maltman came to our school recently to share the Sleep for Better Health, Resilience and Performance message with Years 10, 9, and 8 students. Lisa also presented at a parent information evening held at Iona College for families of both Iona […]