On Thursday 29 July, Year 8 students put down the traditional tools of learning to participate in their Reflection Day. With the theme of ‘Compassion for our Universe: our common home’ students enjoyed a range of experiences that looked at different aspects of the created world we are blessed to be a part of.

  1. Cosmic Walk: a meditation on the created universe Cosmic Walk Description
  2. Laudato Si’: Pope Francis encyclical (letter) to the world on climate change and the need to care for our common home
  3. Earth’s Resources activity: an interactive game where the unequal distribution of Earth’s resources was explored
  4. Compassion for our Environment: learning about the Indigenous plants we have at Clonard and participating in seed planting
  5. Liturgy

Student Reflections

We thank the staff and students for their involvement in the day. We hope that by looking at our universe through the lens of prayer, meditation, taking action and the words of scripture and Pope Francis that all have gained a deeper understanding of our common home; the wonder and awe of it and the need to be compassionate to it.