Summer Uniform

The summer break always provides an opportunity for students and families to check that student uniforms are inline with College expectations and guidelines.  As of 2022, our uniform will also include summer dress shorts and these are available for purchase in January 2022 through our […]

Positive Behaviour for Learning (PB4L)

We are now well under way in our preparation to introduce the first stage of PB4L. PB4L is a whole-school framework for behaviour support that promotes positive behaviour and helps schools to develop safe and supportive learning environments where the expectations for how we will […]

Year 7 Advanced English – Blackout Poetry

In the Year 7 Advanced English class we have been learning about poetry. We learned that words can create a variety of emotions and tell stories within stories. Working with that idea, students found inspiration from a variety of texts, including Romeo and Juliet, Harry […]

Wellbeing @ Clonard

This Semester Year 7s have participated in the Play Humour and Fun unit in Wellbeing as part of the focus on Engagement. Play Humour and Fun can open the mind to learning. Humour can relieve stress and counteract physiological responses to anxiety. Play allows for […]

School Fees

A reminder that all fees are expected to be finalised with the exception of all accounts on direct debits or approved by the school to have terms extended. Due to COVID 19, we are aware that some families in our  community has been greatly affected. […]

Year 7 Water Displays

Clonard College students in year seven Humanities have been examining water in the world as part of their Deep Learning Project: Why is water so important? Students collaborated with each other to research and analyse the different uses of water in our world and of […]

Class of 2023 Kwong Lee Dow Young Scholar

The Kwong Lee Dow Young Scholars Program is an academic enrichment program designed to support high achieving Victorian Year 11 and Year 12 students. Congratulations Alice Taylor for being selected as a Kwong Lee Dow Young Scholar. The University of Melbourne received 1500 incredible applications […]

Remembrance Day

On the 11th hour on the 11th day of the 11th month, a minute of silence is observed and dedicated to those soldiers who died fighting to protect our nation. Today our College remembered all fallen soldiers through a respectful and meaningful ceremony marking Remembrance […]